Oppy Phone Home (Signed Artist Proof)
“OPPY PHONE HOME” BY ABBY GARRETT (10x14″ Signed Artist Proof) – Cartoon in colored pencil in honor of the Opportunity rover as it weathers a monstrous dust storm on Mars. This piece aims to provide moral support to the Mars rover teams and NASA fans around the world who wait for Oppy’s call. The watermark will NOT appear on the print.
UPDATE: Opportunity was declared dead February 15, 2019. The #OppyPhoneHome hashtag started by Abby Garrett went viral and this art piece was featured by the CBC, CNN, CNET, The Pulse, and MSNBC, among others. Stay tuned for a new comic book by Abby about a hypothetical rescue mission initiated through a collaboration between NASA and SpaceX, featuring a new rover (to be revealed at a later date).